Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Proud Mummy Moment !

Not really scrap related and a few days late but hey! ho! ...

When I arrived in Kansas last Tuesday a very proud Will announced that he had won 'The Best of Lawrence's' Best Server Award. He has been voted for by his customers and beaten all the competition in a very restaurant heavy city.

Actually he was being quite blase about it but I think he was quite chuffed :)

Will's dad has a radio show on a Saturday morning called 'About the house' (he's a real estate agent) and he asked Will if he could interview him on the show. So we all trundled off to the station at the appointed time for a nosey around and to listen to the show. Every other week the show has a cooking spot where a local chef comes in and shares some tips and recipes. This week, by special request from Will's dad, was prawn (or shrimp if you are in the US!) week. We all got to taste the dishes chef had prepared ~ the best by far were the shrimps cooked in a herb butter with a breadcrumb topping - delicious! Anyway I digress - so Will talked to chef, on air, about his award and what he thinks makes a good server! He did an excellent job, I thought (but then I am biased, I suppose!!)

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

WOYWW #221

Good morning !

Well, it's morning here in Kansas (mid-afternoon at home in Cornwall!) A bit overcast this morning but a pleasant 74 degrees - that's 23 for those of you on the celsius scale :)

Can't believe it's Wednesday again already. Pop on over to Julia's blog here to find out more about What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday and lots of links to other bloggers around the world :)

I haven't had time to set up a proper workdesk, having only arrived yesterday evening. But I brought a few essentials from home! D/S tape is sooo much cheaper in England (which was surprising) and as I have loads of scissors and a spare ruler and knife I thought I might leave a few things here - just in case IYKWIM ! lol

Oh ! and a selection of the chocolate I am required to bring from England. This is only about 1/3 of the original haul as a fair bit seems to have been consumed already !!!!!

And in the top left corner a Victoria's Secret catalogue - now this would be very worrying as I have 3 sons but I am assuming it belongs to DS2's girlfriend !! I shall be having a sneaky peek later :)

And I just thought I would share this view of the sunset from my hotel room at Heathrow on Monday night - it was lovely (although apparently not as lovely as the one they had in Cornwall - as one of my Facebook friends was quick to point out !!lol)

View from DS1's bedroom window - I snuck in after he left for work!!
Happy Wednesday everyone :)

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Me and Mine sketch challenge

My friend and UKS teamie set a sketch challenge this month.

This was her sketch

And here is my page

I flipped the sketch but otherwise did not change very much.

The inspiration for the sequins came from a blog I found when 'blog-hopping' the other night but I can't for the life of me remember where I saw it :( but whoever it was the LO was fab :D
If and when I find it I'll add a note here!

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

UKS weekly challenge

Hello ~

This week it is my UKScrappers team (The Bijoux Belles)'s turn to set the weekly challenge. It is our tradition to honour each of our team mates in our challenges and this time we are honouring our newest member Lindsay.

Lindsay loves VW camper vans (in fact she is a little obsessed with them! lol) so for this we chose to use an outdoor theme. Her favourite colour is blue so we asked for lots of blue. And finally Linds is very tall and thin so we asked for stripes to be used somewhere on the layouts. Each of the criteria will earn 10 points.

Here is my example, which will be shown alongside my fellow teamie's efforts, to help the other scrappers to rise to the challenge !!

 My 'outdoors theme' is eating outside at our fav restaurant in Turkey where a full english breakfast can be had for just 2 pounds!
I have also included blue and lots of stripes.

Have a great day :)

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

WOYWW #209

Good morning from a lovely sunny corner of Cornwall.

I have a very quick 'What's on your workdesk Wednesday' for you this week as I have just done a 12 hour night shift and I am heading to bed for some much needed zzzzzzzzzzzs!

For a look at many other workdesks from all around the world check out Julia's blog here :)

On MY workdesk today is :-
A Birth Congratulation card for a friend who does not 'do' baby pink!!! and yes, she had a girl !
I did manage to squeeze in a little bit of pink but I hope it is not too much. I quite like the finished card even though it would probably be just as happy being a birthday or anniversary card!

At the top of my desk are a couple of white flowers I tried to colour to go with a recent layout but which turned out completely and utterly the WRONG colour so they have stayed on the desk and will continue to do so until I get round to re-spritzing them to match something else ~ maybe...

Happy WOYWW everyone and I hope your day is as sunny as mine.
Goodnight xx