Prompt 6 - I've given up calling them 'days' because I am not managing to keep up with one day per prompt!!
We were asked to photograph where we sit, stand and sleep. As a childminder by day and a waitress at night I don't get to spend a lot of my time sitting down - I tend to be in the car ferrying children around or visiting the park or just chasing round the house like a lunatic playing games :)
I have 2 places where I like to sit - the first is my kitchen chair -not very comfortable!! but it's where the laptop tends to live so I spend quite s lot of time here. The laptop lives here because it is convenient and it's also near my crafting.
From here I can do my paperwork and also watch the kids playing in the garden and I sit here while they are eating.
This is the view from my kitchen/conservatory window - one of the main reasons why I like it as my craft space |
And this is my comfy chair - it's actually my sofa in the lounge. This is where the TV is. I don't get to sit here very often :-D
and finally the place where I sleep is here :- zzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!
Shimelle asked us to think about which one we thought gave us the most value - well, that depends really on whether you are taking about financial value or psychological value. For financial value I would have to say my kitchen stool because that is where I do my invoices! but I would also have to say my bed because if I don't get my sleep (it doesn't have to be ultra-long!!) then I'm a right old grump and find it very hard to cope with the children :)